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Video: Graham Agassiz auf Freeride Mission in – North River

Graham Agassiz hatte es lange auf seiner Buckelist stehen und träumte von den potentiellen Freeride Lines der North Thompson River Region. Nachdem er die Erlaubnis der First Nation bekam konnte er seinen Traum ermöglichen und schuf so sein neues Edit. Feinste British Columbia Freeride Action. 

A bucket list idea and a dream that never expected to be realized. For a long while Graham Agassiz has had the North Thompson River region on his radar. In his latest video ‘North River’ he was lucky enough to be granted permission by the First Nation, to ride the unique BC terrain. Undertaking the majority of the project by boat and canoe, as-well as camping on a small island, the whole crew were inspired by the ways of the Simpcw First Nation.

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