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NEWS: Mille Johnset tritt Canyon Cllctv bei

Die 21 jährige Downhill Racerin aus Norwegen fährt ab sofort für Canyon. Johnset tritt dem Canyon Cllctv World Cup Team bei und wird somit Kollegin von Troy Brosnan und Luca Shaw. 


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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Canyon CLLCTV (@canyon_cllctv)


Couldn’t be more excited or happy about being a part of the @canyon_cllctv 🥰😈
We’re already off to a better start then I could have dreamt off! The whole team has been super nice, welcoming and helpful, and if we continue like this it’s gonna be an AMAZING future 🥰 Thanks to everyone for the support🫶 – Mille Johnset

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