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Video: Joe und Bo’s Gutenachtgeschichte

Es gibt Gutenachtgeschichten und es gibt Joe Barnes Version davon. Der Schotte erzählt seinem Sohn von seinem spannenden Abenteuern und seinem Drahtesel. 

There’s no doubting that as we get older, the physical boundaries that dictate our lives get bigger, broader and opportunities open up. The world, so to speak, is our oyster. A child’s ability to explore of their own accord is a very different experience. Their world is more contained, but oddly enough, not necessarily smaller. Imagination allows us to enter the world’s unseen spheres, and create excitement from the act of thought. It opens up the world to us. Joe Barnes is well known for his stellar racing career, memorable media and wild imagination. With two children, Joe’s use of his imagination is now being put to use in ways that cultivate the same emotions that Joe gets from bikes, into his son Bo’s life. Join us as Joe and Bo go on a journey around Lochabers hidden landscapes and enter very different worlds.

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