Mark Matthews ist ein Pro Mountain Bike Athlet aus British Columbia. Der Kanadier verbringt seine Zeit damit Trails in seiner Heimat Vancouver Island in die Wälder zu zaubern und zeigt uns auf seinem YouTube Kanal Tipps, Tricks und den Progress seiner Arbeit. In seinem neusten Edit ist er auf seinen Trails unterwegs und besticht mit Flow, Style und sehr schönen Aufnahmen.
Mark Matthews has the eye of an artist when he builds his trails. He finds a picturesque landscape, identifies a line that complements his riding style, and spends hours in the forest, turning his vision into a creative masterpiece that translates beautifully to the screen. His newest line and the surrounding trail network provided the perfect setting to showcase speed and style against the backdrop of a lush Pacific Northwest forest. Complemented by the raw sounds of Mark’s bike on the trail we hope you enjoy ‘Changing Seasons.’ – @Scott Bell